BlackBerry Storm 9530, Cool Black and Very Smartphone
Toronto - Research In Motion (Rim) has prepared a series of Blackberry smart phone equipped with touch screen.
According to the rim, such as through dilansir Reuters, Wednesday (24/9/2008), the device will be assigned a feature Blackberry Storm 9530 of the 'global capability'. Unfortunately, the rim does not provide further explanation of the meaning of 'global capability' is.
Even the rim is not stated exactly when the occurrence of the device. However, a clear, they only said that the latest smart phone that will appear 'soon'.
The observer, such as global mobile phone market is likely to predict this preparation Rim. The iPhone success in the global market enough to trigger all the smart phone vendor, without exception. A lot of speculation that the rim to set up this device as' ammunition 'to' rough up 'the existence of the iPhone.