This it is not a new full modern terminal of benefits as we are customary to receive nowadays. It offers the most common benefits and some thing to us more, being its main characteristic, the function of ecological moving body as much by the materials used as by the residues that its production generates. This C901 belongs to a new initiative of Sony Ericsson, which has received by GreenHeart name, beginning with the presentation of two new models. Besides the terminal mentioned one, the second model pertaining to this new family is Sony Ericsson Naite.
The ecological intention of the company, as much reduces in a 15% the emission of C02 in the process of manufacture of the terminal, as in its use. In addition, packaging has modified of form to save the resources required for its transport and the amount of used paper. In order to reduce the production materials, Sony Ericsson also has saved in the manual, incorporating this accessory digitally in the own moving body. But still being its main characteristic the search of a more ecological apparatus, to not let pass through stop the quality in some of its benefits. For example, we will find an excellent camera of 5 mega-pixels and which will be accompanied of other elements that improve their quality.
In spite of using to be a 50% of plastics recyclings, this Sony Ericsson maintains measures more than acceptable, many modern terminals, of touch screen, are more voluminous than this C901. With a screen of 2,2 inches, camera of 5 mega-píxles and flash Xenon, the measures of which we spoke are of 105 xs 45 xs 13 mm. The screen offers visualizations to us in resolution of 320 xs 240 pixels and a censor of light with in which the brightness adjusts automatically, obtaining to extend the duration of the battery. Thanks to this, the moving body can obtain up to 9,5 hs in conversation and 18 days in delay.
Really, there is a great bet by the ecology, the company has managed to combine this aspect with a measured joust of benefits. Speaking a little its benefits, and especially of the camera, we will be whereupon this, this equipped with some accessories like for example the flash Xenon, the system of autoenfoque, recognition of faces and smiles, contrasts intelligent. A little more than can be hoped in a terminal of classic and ecological style, and a great bet of Sony Ericsson. But in addition, this is complemented with its expansible memory since its internal capacity is not very ample, simply reaches 120 MB. With the use of the Memory Stick Micro cards we will be able to have up to 8 GB of storage capacity.
Yet this, the C901 also offers a good connectivity to us 3G with HSDPA. This terminal allows us to sail in Internet also using, EDGE class 10, to visualize Google Maps, and to make use of the YouTube application.